How to read ebooks on my Laptop or Pc?
Let me guess. it's exam time now and you are all set to break all the academic records by studying ebooks on your laptop or you are a pro fiction reader who wants to dive into a mesmerizing novel of Shakespeare. Well, you are at right place where we provide you a list of software which can enhance your reading experience. Although conventional hard copies have their own advantages but in the era of modern technology, digital books have already taken the center stage. Unlike traditional paper books you do not need to carry the heavy burden on your back. Plenty of books can be stored on the single memory stick or rather on your laptop which you can carry to classroom or office.
How to get ebook Software?
Generally, the e-books are downloaded as PDF files which can be opened using Adobe Reader. It has been the king of Pdf readers since the very beginning. So far our review of Adobe Reader is that although it can open pdf files but it lacks in providing great user experience. Here is a list of software available in the market which provides a better reading experience.
2. Calibre
3. iBooks
"All the applications are free and easy to use but the author's choice is Amazon Kindle for PC."
Why Amazon Kindle ?
Amazon Kindle Software has a unique and user-friendly interface where you can do much more than just reading an e-book. The software allows you to make a library of books where you manage to place all your e-books according to genre and taste. Secondly, the application comes with an Oxford dictionary which gets activated whenever a user double clicks on a word which he/she does know the meaning. What a cool feature. Here is more of why millions of people love to read e-books on Kindle.
Want to buy a Kindle Paperwhite e-book reader Tablet?
After downloading Amazon Kindle software on your laptop. you can directly open any e-book or pdf file which is stored on your computer. Remember it will be very handy to a library of all the e-books you want to read. The new update of software allows you to download several different dictionaries and word translating feature.
Amazon Kindle also allows the user to place a label on the page when you are finished reading. This helps the user to resume from where he left earlier. To the left corner of the reader is the lookup menu where a particular topic or page can be searched with ease. it also provides you the table of content or index page of the book. Amazon Kindle has its own store where you can find millions of e-books and can download your favorite ones just in a single click.
Happy Reading :)
Happy Reading :)